Monday, January 4, 2010

New Settings Bar

The new plan for 2010 is coming along nicely. We will soon offer a settings tab that will not only be on the home application, but will also be on our new downloads center. While settings found in the home settings bar will be different from those found for downloads, they both consist of customizing options to enhance your experience. Settings found in the home settings, will apple to the entire site. Yes, that means you can finally change the theme of Project. (Please note that this feature uses a cookie stored on your computer, and doesn't link your settings to your account). Furthermore, the settings you choose do not effect your profile theme. That is still a project we are working on, and will not be released until we finish. Some features for the home settings include, but are not limited to: the ability to change themes and add content to your homepage, change site preferences from one box, open off-site links in a new tab, and increase and decrease the font size. These new features and many more will be applied as soon as they are finished, and will be supported by our technical teams within the next 24 hours.