Saturday, March 28, 2009

new features for april

1) toolbar has got better.

2) MyUnseen will be released on the 15th.

3) our downloads site will get better

4) our computer help site will be released.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

new for project

we now have a new feature that makes searching the web from our site easy and custom! introducing -- projectSearch. this is a search feature that can be found when searching from our toolbar, and can be found by clicking the search button on most of our sites. this action takes you to our custom search site which can be customized by the toolbar user.

NOTE: search is powered by Google.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

what are we removing?

we are removing forums, guestbook, and tokens. if you feel we should keep one of these, please tell us.

forums -- gives users the ability to talk about certain topics chose by that user or other users.

guestbook -- allows members to leave us comments and talk to us. (we like emails better).

tokens -- this app needs to be better than what it was, so we are fixing it.

please tell us what you think.

update for music

we have added more music to most of our genres, and we'll continue to add music until we have added all the songs submitted by our members. we currently have 5 pages of possible songs to add. certain genres will also be released for the first time this week. those genres include but are not limited to: soundtrack, teen, kids.

our other genres will be completely change -- meaning that more songs will be added and more options will be available.

Monday, March 2, 2009

new for unseen

our latest division of project unseen is almost complete. this feature will allow our members to download files and programs made for you by us. all our downloads are tested and work well with Microsoft's Interent Explorer, and Mozilla's Firefox. we are still testing our products on Google Chrome and Apple's Safari browser.

check back for more updates!