Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Downloads Section! W00t!!

We have released some new pages for our Download Center. With that new section, also comes a new theme. All downloads pages will have a more streamline theme. At the moment, only two programs are in the center, however, we plan to release a new main downloads page which will host a vast collection of downloads, not only form Project, but from the entire internet. We hope you enjoy these new pages, and we will release the new main template theme very soon.



Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We Turn 1!

Today, December 9, 2009, Project Unseen turns one year old. Yep, we've been around for a whole year. During this year, we have had some interesting things happen and many great things were released. We want to thank all our members who stood by us through the hard times and the new members who continue to sign up and help us change the world. Thank you!!

- Jason Bowers. (owner)