Friday, February 27, 2009

new features

we have recently decided to add more questions to the profile customization page. now you can share more info about you and tell the world what you are like!

we have also been debating if we should add if we should make a new site (seperate from projectunseen, but still created by us) that will be 100% compatable with gaming devices such as the nintendo wii and the playstation 3. (rights of those systems belong to the makers of each individual system). if you feel we should creat such a site, please email us at:

many of our members will be happy to know that our tonez section will be released in early march. and further blogs will be posted to explain how to use it.

we now have our own .exe program. that is a special type of program that can be saved to the desktop -- meaning that you can now save project unseen to your desktop and all new things will be automatically shown to you when you open the program. you can even change the logo, name, look, and colors of our desktop feature.

we have got many forms sent in to join the unseen team, and honestly, only six of them were even worth the time. those six people have moved into our leader's folder and will be decided by him.

please sign up: